Source code for cosymlib.molecule.geometry

from cosymlib import shape, tools
from cosymlib.symmetry import Symmetry
from import generate_connectivity_from_geometry
from functools import wraps
from pointgroup import PointGroup
import numpy as np

def set_parameters(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper

[docs]class Geometry: """ This class contains the methods related to shape and geometric symmetry calculations :param positions: Cartesian coordinates :type positions: list :param symbols: Atomic elements symbols :type symbols: list :param name: Geometry name :type name: str :param connectivity: Connectivity list :type connectivity: list :param connectivity_thresh: Connectivity threshold :type connectivity_thresh: float :example: .. code-block:: python water = Geometry(positions=[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], symbols=['O', 'H', 'H'], name='water molecule', connectivity=[[1, 2], [1, 3]]) """ def __init__(self, positions, symbols=(), name='', connectivity=None, connectivity_thresh=1.2): # self._central_atom = None self._symbols = [] self._positions = [] self._atom_groups = list(symbols) self._name = name # TODO: This is a mess! for symbol in symbols: try: int(symbol) self._symbols.append(tools.atomic_number_to_element(int(symbol))) except (ValueError, TypeError): self._symbols.append(symbol.capitalize()) for ida, a in enumerate(symbol): try: int(a) self._symbols[-1] = self._symbols[-1][:ida] break except (ValueError, TypeError, IndexError): pass try: float(positions[0]) for symbol in positions: self._positions.append(float(symbol)) self._positions = list(chunks(self._positions, 3)) except (ValueError, TypeError, IndexError): for symbol in positions: self._positions.append([float(j) for j in symbol]) self._positions = np.array(self._positions) if connectivity is None: self._connectivity = generate_connectivity_from_geometry(self, thresh=connectivity_thresh) else: self._connectivity = connectivity self._shape = shape.Shape(self) self._symmetry = Symmetry(self) def __len__(self): return len(self._positions) def __str__(self): txt = '{}\n\n'.format(len(self._positions)) for s, p in zip(self._symbols, self._positions): txt += '{:3}'.format(s) + '{:10.5f} {:10.5f} {:10.5f}\n'.format(*p) return txt @property def name(self): return self._name # TODO: 'symmetry' and 'shape' properties should be removed. Methods inside these # TODO: classes should be mirrored in geometry/molecule class. See get_symmetry_measure() @property def symmetry(self): return self._symmetry @property def shape(self): return self._shape def set_name(self, name): self._name = name
[docs] def get_connectivity(self): """ Get connectivity as a list of pairs of connected atoms :return: The connectivity :rtype: list """ return self._connectivity
def set_connectivity(self, connectivity): self._connectivity = connectivity self._symmetry._connectivity = connectivity def set_symbols(self, symbols): self._symbols = symbols self._symmetry._symbols = symbols def set_positions(self, central_atom=0): atom, self._positions = self._positions[central_atom], np.delete(self._positions, central_atom, 0) self._positions = np.insert(self._positions, len(self._positions), atom, axis=0) self._symmetry._positions= self._positions self._shape._positions= self._positions
[docs] def get_positions(self): """ Get the positions in Cartesian coordinates :return: the coordinates :rtype: list """ return self._positions
[docs] def get_n_atoms(self): """ Get the number of atoms :return: number of atoms :rtype: int """ return len(self.get_positions())
[docs] def get_symbols(self): """ Get the atomic elements symbols :return: the symbols :rtype: list """ return self._symbols
def generate_connectivity(self, thresh=1.2): self._connectivity = generate_connectivity_from_geometry(self, thresh=thresh) # Shape methods
[docs] def get_shape_measure(self, shape_label, central_atom=0, fix_permutation=False): """ Get the Shape measure :param shape_label: Reference shape label :type shape_label: str :param central_atom: the central atom position :type central_atom: int :param fix_permutation: Do not permute atoms :type fix_permutation: bool :return: The measure :rtype: float """ return self._shape.measure(shape_label, central_atom=central_atom, fix_permutation=fix_permutation)
def get_shape_structure(self, shape_label, central_atom=0, fix_permutation=False): from cosymlib.molecule.geometry import Geometry structure_coordinates = self._shape.structure(shape_label, central_atom=central_atom, fix_permutation=fix_permutation) return Geometry(symbols=self.get_symbols(), positions=structure_coordinates, + '_structure') def get_path_deviation(self, shape_label1, shape_label2, central_atom=0): return self._shape.path_deviation(shape_label1, shape_label2, central_atom) def get_generalized_coordinate(self, shape_label1, shape_label2, central_atom=0): return self._shape.generalized_coordinate(shape_label1, shape_label2, central_atom) # Symmetry methods
[docs] @set_parameters def get_symmetry_measure(self, label, central_atom=0, center=None, multi=1, permutation=None): """ Get the symmetry measure :param label: Symmetry point group :type label: str :param central_atom: central atom position (0 if no central atom) :type central_atom: int :param center: center of the measure in Cartesian coordinates :type center: list :param permutation: define permutation :type permutation: list, tuple :return: The symmetry measure :rtype: float """ return self._symmetry.measure(label)
[docs] @set_parameters def get_symmetry_permutation(self, label, central_atom=0, center=None, multi=1, permutation=None): """ Get the optimum atoms permutation for geometrical symmetry measures :param label: Symmetry point group :type label: str :param central_atom: central atom position (0 if no central atom) :type central_atom: int :param center: center of the measure in Cartesian coordinates :type center: list :param permutation: define permutation :type permutation: list, tuple :return: The symmetry measure :rtype: float """ return self._symmetry.optimum_permutation(label)
[docs] @set_parameters def get_symmetry_nearest_structure(self, label, central_atom=0, center=None, multi=1, permutation=None): """ Returns the nearest ideal structure :param label: symmetry point group :type label: str :param central_atom: central atom position (0 if no central atom) :type central_atom: int :param center: center of the measure in Cartesian coordinates :type center: list :param permutation: Define permutation :type permutation: list, tuple :return: The structure :rtype: Geometry """ return Geometry(symbols=self.get_symbols(), positions=self._symmetry.nearest_structure(label), + '_nearest')
# return self._symmetry.nearest_structure(label) @set_parameters def get_symmetry_optimum_axis(self, label, central_atom=0, permutation=None, center=None): return self._symmetry.optimum_axis(label)
[docs] def get_pointgroup(self, tol=0.01): """ Get the symmetry point group :param tol: The tolerance :type tol: float :return: The point group :rtype: str """ return PointGroup(self._positions, self._symbols, tolerance_eig=tol).get_point_group()
def chunks(l, n): for i in range(0, len(l), n): yield l[i:i+n]