Source code for cosymlib

__version__ = '0.11'

# Windows support
import os
import sys

extra_dll_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '.libs')
if sys.platform == 'win32' and os.path.isdir(extra_dll_dir):
    if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
        os.environ.setdefault('PATH', '')
        os.environ['PATH'] += os.pathsep + extra_dll_dir

from cosymlib.molecule import Molecule
from cosymlib.molecule.geometry import Geometry
from cosymlib.molecule.electronic_structure import ElectronicStructure
from cosymlib.molecule.electronic_structure import ProtoElectronicDensity
from cosymlib.molecule.electronic_structure import ProtoElectronicStructure
from cosymlib.simulation import ExtendedHuckel
from cosymlib.utils import swap_vectors
from cosymlib.utils import get_shape_path, plot_molecular_orbital_diagram, plot_symmetry_energy_evolution
from import get_structure_references, get_sym_from_label
from cosymlib import file_io
from cosymlib import tools
from warnings import warn

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def _get_symmetry_arguments(locals):
    kwargs = dict(locals)
    del kwargs['self']
    for element in ['self', 'output']:
        if element in kwargs:
            del kwargs[element]

    return kwargs

def _get_table_format_measures(labels, molecules_names, data, precision=3):

    txt = 'Structure'
    max_len_name = 12
    names = []
    for name in molecules_names:
        if len(name) > max_len_name:
            names.append(name[:(max_len_name - 1)])
        elif len(name) > 0:

    n = max_len_name - 3
    for label in labels:
        n += len(label)
        txt += '{}'.format(label.rjust(n))
        n = 11 - len(label)
    txt += '\n\n'

    for idx, name in enumerate(names):
        txt += '{:{width}}'.format(name + ',', width=max_len_name)
        n = 11
        for idn, label in enumerate(labels):
            txt += '{:>{width}.{prec}f},'.format(data[idn][idx], width=n, prec=precision)
            n = 10
        txt += '\n'
    txt += '\n'
    return txt

def _get_table_format_axes(labels, molecules_names, axis, precision=3):

    txt = 'Structure'
    max_len_name = 12
    names = []
    for name in molecules_names:
        if len(name) > max_len_name:
            names.append(name[:(max_len_name - 1)])
        elif len(name) > 0:

    n = max_len_name - 3
    for label in labels:
        n += len(label)
        txt += '{}'.format(label.rjust(n))
        n = 11 - len(label)
    txt += '\n\n'

    for idx, name in enumerate(names):
        txt += '{:{width}}'.format(name + ',', width=max_len_name)
        n = 11
        for idn, label in enumerate(labels):
            #txt += '{:>{width}.{prec}f},'.format(data[idn][idx], width=n, prec=precision)
            n = 10
        txt += '\n'

        txt += '\n'

        for idn, c_lab in enumerate(['x', 'y', 'z']):
            txt += ' ' * (max_len_name-1) + c_lab + ' '

            for c in np.array(axis).T[idn][0]:
                txt += '{:>{width}.{prec}f},'.format(c, width=n, prec=precision)
            n = 10
            txt += '\n'

        txt += '\n'
    txt += '\n'
    return txt

def _get_table_format_permutation(labels, molecules_names, permutation):

    txt = 'Structure'
    max_len_name = 12
    names = []
    for name in molecules_names:
        if len(name) > max_len_name:
            names.append(name[:(max_len_name - 1)])
        elif len(name) > 0:

    n = max_len_name - 3
    for label in labels:
        n += len(label)
        txt += '{}'.format(label.rjust(n))
        n = 11 - len(label)
    txt += '\n\n'

    for idx, name in enumerate(names):
        txt += '{:{width}}'.format(name + ',', width=max_len_name)
        n = 11
        for idn, label in enumerate(labels):
            # txt += '{:>{width}.{prec}f},'.format(data[idn][idx], width=n, prec=precision)
            n = 10
        txt += '\n\n'

        for idn in range(len(np.array(permutation)[idn][0])):
            txt += ' ' * (max_len_name + 1)
            for c in np.array(permutation).T[idn][0]:
                txt += '{:^{width}}'.format(c, width=n+1 )
            n = 10
            txt += '\n'
        txt += '\n'
    txt += '\n'
    return txt

def _get_table_format_gsym(molecules_names, csm_list, permutation_list, axis_list, precision=3):

    txt = '               CSM '+ (2*precision)*' '+ 'Symmetry axis (x,y,z) '+ ' '*(1*precision) + 'permutation\n\n'
    for idx, name in enumerate(molecules_names):

        max_name = len(max(name, key=len))
        txt += '{} '.format(name)
        if max_name < 9:
            n = 18 - len(name)
            n = 9 + max_name - len(name)

        txt += '{:{width}.{prec}f}   '.format(csm_list[idx], width=n, prec=precision) + \
               '   {:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f}'.format(*axis_list[idx], width=n, prec=precision) + \
               '       {}\n'.format(permutation_list[idx])

    return txt

def _get_axis_info(molecule, group, axis, axis2, center):

    txt = ''
    axis_info = molecule.get_symmetry_axes(group, axis=axis, axis2=axis2, center=center)
    txt += '\nSymmetry axis orientation\n'
    txt += 'center: ' + '  '.join(['{:12.8f}'.format(s) for s in axis_info['center']])
    txt += '\n'
    txt += 'axis  : ' + '  '.join(['{:12.8f}'.format(s) for s in axis_info['axis']])
    txt += '\n'
    txt += 'axis2 : ' + '  '.join(['{:12.8f}'.format(s) for s in axis_info['axis2']])
    txt += '\n'
    return txt

def _get_geometry_coordinates(geometry):

    txt = ''
    txt += '--------------------------------------\n'
    txt += 'Atomic Coordinates (Angstroms)\n'
    txt += '--------------------------------------\n'
    for idp, position in enumerate(geometry.get_positions()):
        txt += '{:2} {:11.6f} {:11.6f} {:11.6f}\n'.format(geometry.get_symbols()[idp], *position)
    return txt

[docs]class Cosymlib: """ This class contains all the high level methods used in the command line interface scripts. The methods return formatted results of multiple molecules calculations :param structures: List of :class:`~cosymlib.molecule.geometry.Geometry` or :class:`~cosymlib.molecule.Molecule` :type structures: list, :class:`~cosymlib.molecule.geometry.Geometry`, :class:`~cosymlib.molecule.Molecule` :param ignore_atoms_labels: Ignore atomic element labels is symmetry calculations :type ignore_atoms_labels: bool :param ignore_connectivity: Ignore connectivity in symmetry calculations :type ignore_connectivity: bool :param connectivity: List of pairs if atom indices that are considered connected :type connectivity: list :param connectivity_thresh: Connectivity threshold (Ionic radius is used as reference) :type connectivity_thresh: bool """ def __init__(self, structures, ignore_atoms_labels=False, ignore_connectivity=False, connectivity=None, connectivity_thresh=None, charge_eh=0, mode=0, precision=3): def get_electronic_structure(structure): if mode == 0: return None elif mode == 1: return ExtendedHuckel(structure, charge=charge_eh) elif mode == 2: protodensity = ProtoElectronicDensity(structure) return ProtoElectronicStructure(basis=protodensity.get_basis(), orbital_coefficients=[protodensity.get_mo_coefficients(),[]]) else: raise Exception('Mode {} not available'.format(mode)) self._molecules = [] if isinstance(structures, (list, tuple)): for structure in structures: self._molecules.append(Molecule(structure, electronic_structure=get_electronic_structure(structure))) else: self._molecules.append(Molecule(structures, electronic_structure=get_electronic_structure(structures))) for molecule in self._molecules: if ignore_atoms_labels: molecule.geometry.set_symbols('X' * molecule.geometry.get_n_atoms()) if connectivity_thresh is not None: molecule.geometry.generate_connectivity(thresh=connectivity_thresh) if connectivity is not None: molecule.geometry.set_connectivity(connectivity) if ignore_connectivity: molecule.geometry.set_connectivity(None) self._precision = precision
[docs] def get_n_atoms(self): """ Get the number of atoms if all structures contains the same number of atoms, else raise exception. :return: Number of atoms :rtype: int """ n_atoms_unique_list = np.unique([mol.geometry.get_n_atoms() for mol in self._molecules]) if len(n_atoms_unique_list) > 1: raise Exception('Not all structures have same number of atoms') return n_atoms_unique_list[0]
[docs] def get_geometries(self): """ Get the geometries :return: List of :class:`~cosymlib.molecule.geometry.Geometry` objects :rtype: list """ return [mol.geometry for mol in self._molecules]
[docs] def print_info(self): """ Prints general information about the structures """ print('\033[1m{:20} {:^5}\033[0m'.format('name', 'atoms')) for molecule in self._molecules: print('{:20} : {:5}'.format(, molecule.geometry.get_n_atoms())) print('Total structures: {}'.format(len(self._molecules)))
@property def molecules(self): """ Get the molecules :return: List of :class:`~cosymlib.molecule.Molecule` objects :rtype: list """ return self._molecules
[docs] def print_shape_measure(self, shape_reference, central_atom=0, fix_permutation=False, output=sys.stdout): """ Prints the shape measure of all structures in format :param shape_reference: List of references and/or geometries :type shape_reference: list :param central_atom: Position of the central atom :type central_atom: int :param fix_permutation: Do not permute atoms during shape calculations :type fix_permutation: bool :param output: Display hook :type output: hook """ molecules_names = [ for molecule in self._molecules] measure_list = [] references_names = [] for reference in shape_reference: measure_list.append(self.get_shape_measure(reference, 'measure', central_atom, fix_permutation)) if type(reference) is Geometry: references_names.append( else: references_names.append(reference) txt_shape = _get_table_format_measures(references_names, molecules_names, measure_list, self._precision) output.write(txt_shape)
[docs] def print_shape_structure(self, shape_reference, central_atom=0, fix_permutation=False, output=sys.stdout): """ Prints the nearest shape structure in format :param shape_reference: List of references and/or geometries :type shape_reference: list :param central_atom: Position of the central atom :type central_atom: int :param fix_permutation: Do not permute atoms during shape calculations :type fix_permutation: bool :param output: Display hook :type output: hook """ shape_results_structures = [] references = [] sym_labels = [] for reference in shape_reference: if isinstance(reference, str): references.append(reference) sym_labels.append(get_sym_from_label(reference)) else: references.append( sym_labels.append('') shape_results_structures.append(self.get_shape_measure(reference, 'structure', central_atom, fix_permutation)) geometries = [] for idm, molecule in enumerate(self._molecules): geometries.append(molecule.geometry) for idl, reference in enumerate(references): shape_results_structures[idl][idm].set_name( + ' ' + reference + ' ' + sym_labels[idl]) geometries.append(shape_results_structures[idl][idm]) # print("\nOriginal structures vs reference polyhedra in file {}\n".format( for geometry in geometries: output.write(file_io.get_file_xyz_txt(geometry))
[docs] def print_geometric_measure_info(self, label, multi=1, central_atom=0, center=None, output=sys.stdout): """ Prints geometric symmetry measure verbose :param label: Symmetry point group label :type label: str :param multi: Number of symmetry axis to find :type multi: int :param central_atom: Position of the central atom :type central_atom: int :param center: Center of symmetry in Cartesian coordinates. If None center is optimized :type center: list :param output: Display hook :type: hook """ kwargs = _get_symmetry_arguments(locals()) sep_line = '..................................................\n' txt = 'Evaluating symmetry operation : {}\n'.format(label) for idx, molecule in enumerate(self._molecules): molecule.geometry._symmetry.set_parameters(kwargs) txt += '{}\n'.format( txt += '\n' txt += 'Centered Structure\n' txt += sep_line cm = tools.center_mass(molecule.geometry.get_symbols(), molecule.geometry.get_positions()) for idn, array in enumerate(molecule.geometry.get_positions()): array = array - cm txt += '{:2} {:12.8f} {:12.8f} {:12.8f}\n'.format(molecule.geometry.get_symbols()[idn], array[0], array[1], array[2]) txt += sep_line txt += 'Optimal permutation\n' for idn, permutation in enumerate(molecule.geometry._symmetry.optimum_permutation(label)): txt += '{:2} {:2}\n'.format(idn + 1, permutation) txt += '\n' txt += 'Inverted structure\n' for idn, axis in enumerate(molecule.geometry._symmetry.nearest_structure(label)): txt += '{:2} {:12.8f} {:12.8f} {:12.8f}\n'.format(molecule.geometry.get_symbols()[idn], axis[0], axis[1], axis[2]) txt += '\n' txt += 'Reference axis\n' for array in molecule.geometry._symmetry.reference_axis(label): txt += '{:12.8f} {:12.8f} {:12.8f}\n'.format(array[0], array[1], array[2]) txt += '\n' txt += 'Symmetry measure {:.5f}\n'.format(molecule.geometry.get_symmetry_measure(**kwargs)) txt += 'Symmetry {} lower values: '.format(multi) txt += ' '.join(format(csm, '.5f') for csm in molecule.geometry._symmetry.csm_multi(label, multi)) + '\n' txt += sep_line output.write(txt)
[docs] def print_geometric_symmetry_measure(self, label, central_atom=0, center=None, permutation=None, output=sys.stdout): """ Prints geometric symmetry measure in format :param label: Symmetry point group label :type label: str :param central_atom: Position of the central atom :type central_atom: int :param center: Center of symmetry in Cartesian coordinates. If None center is optimized :type center: list, tuple :param permutation: Define permutation :type permutation: list, tuple :param output: Display hook :type output: hook """ kwargs = _get_symmetry_arguments(locals()) txt = 'Evaluating symmetry operation : {}\n \n'.format(label) molecules_names = [] csm_list = [] permutation_list = [] axis_list = [] for idx, molecule in enumerate(self._molecules): csm_list.append(molecule.geometry.get_symmetry_measure(**kwargs)) permutation_list.append(molecule.geometry.get_symmetry_permutation(**kwargs)) molecules_names.append( axis_list.append(molecule.geometry.get_symmetry_optimum_axis(label, central_atom=central_atom, center=center, permutation=permutation)) txt += _get_table_format_gsym(molecules_names, csm_list, permutation_list, axis_list, precision=self._precision) output.write(txt)
[docs] def print_symmetry_nearest_structure(self, label, central_atom=0, center=None, permutation=None, output=sys.stdout): """ Prints the nearest structure to ideal symmetric structure :param label: Symmetry point group label :type label: str :param central_atom: Position of the central atom :type central_atom: int :param center: Center of symmetry in Cartesian coordinates. If None center is optimized :type center: int :param permutation: Define permutation :type permutation: list, tuple :param output: Display hook :type output: hook """ kwargs = _get_symmetry_arguments(locals()) for idm, molecule in enumerate(self._molecules): geometry = molecule.geometry.get_symmetry_nearest_structure(**kwargs) output.write(file_io.get_file_xyz_txt(geometry))
[docs] def print_chirality_measure(self, order=1, central_atom=0, center=None, permutation=None, output=sys.stdout): """ Prints the chirality measure :param order: Order of the chirality measure (1: Cs, 2:Ci, n:S_n) :type order: int :param central_atom: Position of the central atom :type central_atom: int :param center: Center of symmetry in Cartesian coordinates. If None center is optimized :type center: int :param permutation: Define permutation :type permutation: list, tuple :param output: Display hook :type output: hook """ if order < 1: raise Exception('Chirality order should be greater than 0') if order == 1: reference = ['Cs'] # elif order == 2: # reference = ['Ci'] elif int(order) > 8: raise ValueError('Maximum value available for Sn chirality measure is 8') else: reference = ['Cs', 'Ci'] for n in range(3, order + 1): if n % 2 == 0: reference.append('S' + str(n)) reference = [r.lower() for r in reference] csm_list = [] axis_list = [] permutation_list = [] for label in reference: csm_list.append([geometry.get_symmetry_measure(label, central_atom=central_atom, center=center, permutation=permutation) for geometry in self.get_geometries()]) axis_list.append([geometry.get_symmetry_optimum_axis(label, central_atom=central_atom, center=center, permutation=permutation) for geometry in self.get_geometries()]) permutation_list.append([geometry.get_symmetry_permutation(label, central_atom=central_atom, center=center, permutation=permutation) for geometry in self.get_geometries()]) molecules_names = [ for molecule in self._molecules] txt = 'Chirality measures\n\n' txt += _get_table_format_measures(reference, molecules_names, csm_list, precision=self._precision) txt += '\nChirality plane axes\n\n' txt += _get_table_format_axes(reference, molecules_names, axis_list, precision=self._precision) if permutation is not None: txt += 'Custom permutation: {}\n'.format(permutation) else: txt += 'Atoms permutation \n\n' txt += _get_table_format_permutation(reference, molecules_names, permutation_list) output.write(txt)
def _print_electronic_symmetry_measure(self, group, axis=None, axis2=None, center=None, output=sys.stdout): txt = '' first = True for molecule in self._molecules: wf_measure = molecule.get_wf_symmetry(group, axis=axis, axis2=axis2, center=center) if first: axes_information = molecule.get_symmetry_axes(group, axis=axis, axis2=axis2, center=center) txt += '\nSymmetry parameters\n' txt += 'center: ' + ' '.join(['{:12.8f}'.format(s) for s in axes_information['center']]) txt += '\n' txt += 'axis : ' + ' '.join(['{:12.8f}'.format(s) for s in axes_information['axis']]) txt += '\n' txt += 'axis2 : ' + ' '.join(['{:12.8f}'.format(s) for s in axes_information['axis2']]) txt += '\n' sep_line = ' ' + '---------' * len(wf_measure['labels']) + '\n' txt += '\nWaveFunction: normalized SOEV values\n' txt += sep_line txt += ' ' + ' '.join(['{:^7}'.format(s) for s in wf_measure['labels']]) txt += '\n' txt += sep_line txt += '{:<9} '.format([:9] + ' '.join(['{:7.3f}'.format(s) for s in wf_measure['csm']]) txt += '\n' first = False output.write(txt) def print_edensity_measure(self, group, axis=None, axis2=None, center=None, output=sys.stdout): txt = '' for molecule in self._molecules: dens_measure = molecule.get_dens_symmetry(group, axis=axis, axis2=axis2, center=center) sep_line = ' ' + '---------' * len(dens_measure['labels']) + '\n' axes_information = molecule.get_symmetry_axes(group, axis=axis, axis2=axis2, center=center) txt += '\nSymmetry axes\n' txt += 'center: ' + ' '.join(['{:12.8f}'.format(s) for s in axes_information['center']]) txt += '\n' txt += 'axis : ' + ' '.join(['{:12.8f}'.format(s) for s in axes_information['axis']]) txt += '\n' txt += 'axis2 : ' + ' '.join(['{:12.8f}'.format(s) for s in axes_information['axis2']]) txt += '\n' txt += '\n' txt += _get_geometry_coordinates(molecule.geometry) txt += '\nDensity: normalized SOEV values\n' txt += sep_line txt += ' ' + ' '.join(['{:^7}'.format(s) for s in dens_measure['labels']]) txt += '\n' txt += sep_line txt += '{:<9} '.format([:9] + ' '.join(['{:7.3f}'.format(s) for s in dens_measure['csm_coef']]) txt += '\n\n' txt += '----------------------------\n' txt += 'Total density CSM: {}\n'.format(group) txt += '----------------------------\n' txt += '{:<9} '.format( + '{:7.3f}\n'.format(dens_measure['csm']) txt += '\nSelf Similarity: {:7.3f}\n\n'.format(dens_measure['self_similarity']) output.write(txt) def print_esym_matrices(self, group, axis=None, axis2=None, center=None, output=sys.stdout): txt = '' for molecule in self._molecules: sym_mat = molecule.get_symmetry_matrix(group, axis=axis, axis2=axis2, center=center) geometry = molecule.geometry sym_lables = sym_mat['labels'] sym_matrices = sym_mat['matrix'] sep_line = '--------------------------------------\n' txt += 'MEASURES OF THE SYMMETRY GROUP: {}\n'.format(group) txt += 'Basis: {}\n'.format(list(molecule.electronic_structure.basis.keys())[0]) txt += _get_geometry_coordinates(molecule.geometry) txt += sep_line for i, group in enumerate(sym_lables): txt += '\n' txt += '@@@ Operation {0}: {1}'.format(i + 1, group) txt += '\nSymmetry Transformation matrix\n' for array in sym_matrices[i]: txt += ' {:11.6f} {:11.6f} {:11.6f}\n'.format(array[0], array[1], array[2]) txt += '\n' txt += 'Symmetry Transformed Atomic Coordinates (Angstroms)\n' for idn, array in enumerate(geometry.get_positions()): array2 =, sym_matrices[i].T) txt += '{:2} {:11.6f} {:11.6f} {:11.6f}\n'.format(geometry.get_symbols()[idn], array2[0], array2[1], array2[2]) output.write(txt) def print_esym_sym_overlaps(self, group, axis=None, axis2=None, center=None, output=sys.stdout): txt = '' for molecule in self._molecules: mo_overlap = molecule.get_mo_overlaps(group, axis=axis, axis2=axis2, center=center) wf_overlap = molecule.get_wf_overlaps(group, axis=axis, axis2=axis2, center=center) ideal_gt = molecule.get_ideal_group_table(group, axis=axis, axis2=axis2, center=center) wf_measure = molecule.get_wf_symmetry(group, axis=axis, axis2=axis2, center=center) sep_line = ' ' + '---------' * len(ideal_gt['ir_labels']) + '\n' txt += '\nMolecule : {}\n'.format( txt += _get_geometry_coordinates(molecule.geometry) txt += '\nIdeal Group Table\n' txt += sep_line txt += ' ' + ' '.join(['{:^7}'.format(s) for s in ideal_gt['labels']]) txt += '\n' txt += sep_line for i, line in enumerate(ideal_gt['table']): txt += '{:4}'.format(ideal_gt['ir_labels'][i]) + ' '.join(['{:7.3f}'.format(s) for s in line]) txt += '\n' txt += sep_line txt += '\nAlpha MOs: Symmetry Overlap Expectation Values\n' txt += sep_line txt += ' ' + ' '.join(['{:^7}'.format(s) for s in ideal_gt['labels']]) txt += '\n' txt += sep_line for i, line in enumerate(mo_overlap['alpha']): txt += '{:4d}'.format(i + 1) + ' '.join(['{:7.3f}'.format(s) for s in line]) txt += '\n' txt += '\nBeta MOs: Symmetry Overlap Expectation Values\n' txt += sep_line txt += ' ' + ' '.join(['{:^7}'.format(s) for s in ideal_gt['labels']]) txt += '\n' txt += sep_line for i, line in enumerate(mo_overlap['beta']): txt += '{:4d}'.format(i + 1) + ' '.join(['{:7.3f}'.format(s) for s in line]) txt += '\n' txt += '\nWaveFunction: Symmetry Overlap Expectation Values\n' txt += sep_line txt += ' ' + ' '.join(['{:^7}'.format(s) for s in ideal_gt['labels']]) txt += '\n' txt += sep_line txt += 'a-wf' + ' '.join(['{:7.3f}'.format(s) for s in wf_overlap['alpha']]) txt += '\n' txt += 'b-wf' + ' '.join(['{:7.3f}'.format(s) for s in wf_overlap['beta']]) txt += '\n' txt += 'WFN ' + ' '.join(['{:7.3f}'.format(s) for s in wf_overlap['total']]) txt += '\n' txt += '\nWaveFunction: CSM-like values\n' txt += sep_line txt += ' ' + ' '.join(['{:^7}'.format(s) for s in wf_measure['labels']]) txt += '\n' txt += sep_line txt += 'Grim' + ' '.join(['{:7.3f}'.format(s) for s in wf_measure['grim']]) txt += '\n' txt += 'CSM ' + ' '.join(['{:7.3f}'.format(s) for s in wf_measure['csm']]) txt += '\n' output.write(txt) def print_esym_irreducible_repr(self, group, axis=None, axis2=None, center=None, show_axes=True, output=sys.stdout): txt = '' for molecule in self._molecules: ir_mo = molecule.get_mo_irreducible_representations(group, axis=axis, axis2=axis2, center=center) data_wf = molecule.get_wf_irreducible_representations(group, axis=axis, axis2=axis2, center=center) txt += '\nSymmetry group : {}\n'.format(group) txt += 'Molecule : {}\n'.format( txt += _get_geometry_coordinates(molecule.geometry) sep_line = ' ' + '---------' * (len(ir_mo['labels'])) + '\n' txt += '\nWaveFunction: Irred. Rep. Decomposition\n' txt += sep_line txt += ' ' + ' '.join(['{:^7}'.format(s) for s in ir_mo['labels']]) txt += '\n' txt += sep_line txt += 'a-wf' + ' '.join(['{:7.3f}'.format(s) for s in data_wf['alpha']]) txt += '\n' txt += 'b-wf' + ' '.join(['{:7.3f}'.format(s) for s in data_wf['beta']]) txt += '\n' txt += 'WFN ' + ' '.join(['{:7.3f}'.format(s) for s in data_wf['total']]) txt += '\n' if show_axes: txt += _get_axis_info(molecule, group, axis, axis2, center) output.write(txt) def print_esym_mo_irreducible_repr(self, group, axis=None, axis2=None, center=None, show_axes=True, output=sys.stdout): txt = '' for molecule in self._molecules: ir_mo = molecule.get_mo_irreducible_representations(group, axis=axis, axis2=axis2, center=center) alpha_energies = molecule.electronic_structure.alpha_energies alpha_occupancy = molecule.electronic_structure.alpha_occupancy beta_energies = molecule.electronic_structure.beta_energies beta_occupancy = molecule.electronic_structure.beta_occupancy txt += '\nMolecule : {}\n'.format( txt += _get_geometry_coordinates(molecule.geometry) sep_line = ' ' + '---------' * (2 + len(ir_mo['labels'])) + '\n' txt += '\nAlpha MOs: Irred. Rep. Decomposition\n' txt += sep_line txt += ' ' + '{:^10}'.format('occup') + '{:^8}'.format('E(eV)') + \ ' '.join(['{:^7}'.format(s) for s in ir_mo['labels']]) txt += '\n' txt += sep_line non_one = False for i, line in enumerate(ir_mo['alpha']): txt += '{:4d}'.format(i + 1) + '{:6d}'.format(alpha_occupancy[i]) + \ '{:10.2f}'.format(alpha_energies[i]) + ' '*2 + ' '.join(['{:7.3f}'.format(s) for s in line]) if abs(sum(line) - 1) > 1e-2: txt += '*' non_one = True txt += '\n' txt += '\nBeta MOs: Irred. Rep. Decomposition\n' txt += sep_line txt += ' ' + '{:^10}'.format('occup') + '{:^8}'.format('E(eV)') + \ ' '.join(['{:^7}'.format(s) for s in ir_mo['labels']]) txt += '\n' txt += sep_line for i, line in enumerate(ir_mo['beta']): txt += '{:4d}'.format(i + 1) + '{:6d}'.format(beta_occupancy[i]) + \ '{:10.2f}'.format(beta_energies[i]) + ' '*2 + ' '.join(['{:7.3f}'.format(s) for s in line]) if abs(sum(line) - 1) > 1e-2: txt += '*' non_one = True txt += '\n' if non_one: warn('The sum of some molecular orbital irreducible represaentations are not equal one (*)') if show_axes: txt += _get_axis_info(molecule, group, axis, axis2, center) output.write(txt)
[docs] def print_esym_orientation(self, group, axis=None, axis2=None, center=None, output=sys.stdout): """ Prints down an xyz file of the molecule with the orientation_axis :param group: Symmetry group :type group: string :param axis: Main symmetry axis of group :type axis: list :param axis2: Secondary symmetry axis of group :type axis2: list :param center: Center :type center: list, tuple :param output: Display hook :type output: hook """ txt = '' for molecule in self._molecules: txt += file_io.get_file_xyz_txt(molecule.geometry) txt = txt.replace(str(molecule.geometry.get_n_atoms()), str(molecule.geometry.get_n_atoms() + 3), 1) axis_info = molecule.get_symmetry_axes(group, axis=axis, axis2=axis2, center=center) txt += 'X1 ' + ' '.join(['{:11.6f}'.format(s) for s in axis_info['axis']]) txt += '\n' txt += 'X1 ' + ' '.join(['{:11.6f}'.format(s) for s in axis_info['axis2']]) txt += '\n' txt += 'X2 ' + ' '.join(['{:11.6f}'.format(s) for s in axis_info['center']]) txt += '\n' output.write(txt)
[docs] def get_shape_measure(self, label, kind, central_atom=0, fix_permutation=False): """ Get shape measure :param label: Reference shape label :type label: str :param kind: function name suffix :type kind: str :param central_atom: Position of the central atom :type central_atom: int :param fix_permutation: Do not permute atoms during shape calculations :type fix_permutation: bool :return: Shape measures :rtype: list """ get_measure = 'get_shape_' + kind return [getattr(geometry, get_measure)(label, central_atom=central_atom, fix_permutation=fix_permutation) for geometry in self.get_geometries()]
[docs] def get_molecule_path_deviation(self, shape_label1, shape_label2, central_atom=0): """ Get molecule path deviation :param shape_label1: First shape reference label :type shape_label1: str :param shape_label2: Second shape reference label :type shape_label2: str :param central_atom: Position of the central atom :type central_atom: int """ return [geometry.get_path_deviation(shape_label1, shape_label2, central_atom) for geometry in self.get_geometries()]
def get_molecule_generalized_coord(self, shape_label1, shape_label2, central_atom=0): return [geometry.get_generalized_coordinate(shape_label1, shape_label2, central_atom) for geometry in self.get_geometries()] # TODO: This may be placed inside Shape class def get_path_parameters(self, shape_label1, shape_label2, central_atom=0): if type(shape_label1) is Geometry: label1 = shape_label1 label1_name = else: label1 = shape_label1 label1_name = shape_label1 if type(shape_label2) is Geometry: label2 = shape_label2 label2_name = else: label2 = shape_label2 label2_name = shape_label2 csm = {label1_name: self.get_shape_measure(label1, 'measure', central_atom), label2_name: self.get_shape_measure(label2, 'measure', central_atom)} devpath = self.get_molecule_path_deviation(label1, label2, central_atom) generalized_coord = self.get_molecule_generalized_coord(label1, label2, central_atom) return csm, devpath, generalized_coord
[docs] def print_minimum_distortion_path_shape(self, shape_label1, shape_label2, central_atom=0, min_dev=None, max_dev=None, min_gco=None, max_gco=None, num_points=20, output=None): """ Print the minimum distortion path :param shape_label1: First reference shape label :type shape_label1: str :param shape_label2: Second reference shape label :type shape_label2: str :param central_atom: Position of the central atom :type central_atom: int :param min_dev: :type min_dev: float :param max_dev: :type max_dev: float :param min_gco: :type min_gco: float :param max_gco: :type max_gco: float :param num_points: Number of points :type num_points: int :param output1: Display hook :type output1: hook """ if output is not None: output_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext( output1 = open(output_name + '_pth.csv', 'w') output2 = open(output_name + '', 'w') output3 = output else: output1 = sys.stdout output2 = sys.stdout output3 = sys.stdout csm, devpath, gen_coord = self.get_path_parameters(shape_label1, shape_label2, central_atom=central_atom) txt_params = '' if min_dev is not None: txt_params = 'Deviation threshold to calculate Path deviation function: ' \ '{:2.1f}% - {:2.1f}%\n'.format(min_dev, max_dev) if min_gco is not None: txt_params += 'Deviation threshold to calculate Generalized Coordinate: ' \ '{:2.1f}% - {:2.1f}%\n'.format(min_gco, max_gco) txt_params += '\n' txt_params += '{:9} '.format('structure'.upper()) for csm_label in list(csm.keys()): txt_params += '{:^8} '.format(csm_label) txt_params += '{:^8} {:^8}'.format('DevPath', 'GenCoord') txt_params += '\n' if min_gco is not None and min_dev is not None: filter_mask = [min_dev <= dv <= max_dev and min_gco <= gc <= max_gco for dv, gc in zip(devpath, gen_coord)] elif min_gco is not None: filter_mask = [min_gco <= gc <= max_gco for gc in gen_coord] elif min_dev is not None: filter_mask = [min_dev <= dv <= max_dev for dv in devpath] else: filter_mask = [True for _ in range(len(self._molecules))] for idx, molecule in enumerate(self._molecules): if not filter_mask[idx]: continue txt_params += '{:9} '.format( for label in list(csm.keys()): txt_params += '{:^8.3f} '.format(csm[label][idx]) txt_params += '{:^8.1f} {:^8.1f}'.format(devpath[idx], gen_coord[idx]) txt_params += '\n' # self.print_shape_measure() txt_params += 'skipped {} structure/s\n\n'.format(filter_mask.count(False)) output3.write(txt_params) if isinstance(shape_label1, Geometry): label1_name = else: label1_name = shape_label1 if isinstance(shape_label2, Geometry): label2_name = else: label2_name = shape_label2 path = get_shape_path(shape_label1, shape_label2, num_points) txt_path = 'Minimum distortion path\n' txt_path += ' {:^6} {:^6}\n'.format(label1_name, label2_name) for idx, value in enumerate(path[0]): txt_path += '{:6.3f} {:6.3f}'.format(path[0][idx], path[1][idx]) txt_path += '\n' txt_path += '\n' output1.write(txt_path) test_structures = [] for ids, structure in enumerate(path[2]): test_structures.append(Geometry(symbols=['' for _ in range(len(structure))], positions=structure, name='map_structure{}'.format(ids))) output2.write(file_io.get_file_xyz_txt(test_structures)) fig,axes = plt.subplots(1,1) plt.plot(path[0], path[1], 'k', linewidth=2.0) plt.scatter(np.array(csm[label1_name])[filter_mask], np.array(csm[label2_name])[filter_mask], linewidths=0.01) plt.xlabel(label1_name) plt.ylabel(label2_name) axes.set_aspect('equal') return plt
[docs] def print_point_group(self, tol=0.01, output=sys.stdout): """ Print point group of all structures :param tol: Tolerance :type tol: float """ txt = 'Determined point group\n \n' for idx, molecule in enumerate(self._molecules): txt += '{:15} '.format( txt += ' {}\n'.format(molecule.geometry.get_pointgroup(tol)) output.write(txt)
[docs] def get_point_group(self, tol=0.01): """ Get the point group of all structures :param tol: Tolerance :type tol: float :return: a list of point group labels :rtype: list """ return [molecule.geometry.get_pointgroup(tol) for molecule in self._molecules]